A new beginning....

My blog - newly discovered so I thought I'd use it. Mismatch of ramblings, lifestyle (frugal, green, WAHM -ing, home ed. and other stuff :-)

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

to follow up on ...

... the buying nothing post.

Remembered the name of the journalist - Judith Levine. The book is 'Not Buying It: My year without shopping'.
You can see more details about it Here . The article is extracted from the book.

Still need to think about how to enthuse DP and the children on this idea. Maybe suggesting doing this for a week, and then a month?


  • At 5:01 PM, Blogger Loz said…

    You can read a blog from some other people, in California, who are in the middle of a whole YEAR of Buy Nothing -

    I think doing it for a whole year would be even more ...er, "intresting" than just for one month! After all, with certain items, you could easily say "Oh, I guess I could wait four weeks for that and then get it when the Challenge is over" whereas if you had to wait FIFTY-TWO weeks .. well!

  • At 6:46 PM, Blogger Helen said…

    Oh yes :-) I like the idea of doing a year... but DP has agreed to a month on the terms of the downsizer challenge, so we shall go from there :-)


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