A new beginning....

My blog - newly discovered so I thought I'd use it. Mismatch of ramblings, lifestyle (frugal, green, WAHM -ing, home ed. and other stuff :-)

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Come on Come on

I know that there are a few people out there who have read this. Yes you know who you are! Yes, you who sent me the email the other day!!!

Come on - the email is OK, but comment damn you :-) Especially as the emailing one tells me that there are others....

Or am I just a scarey monster that no one wants to talk to?


  • At 5:32 PM, Blogger Sarah said…

    Hello, I think (not much deduction required) that I've found Helen A - Mrs Nicenappy? Followed you here from Sue in Cyprus, who I read when I can keep up!

    Not sure I knew you had a blog as well but now that I've found it I'll be reading :)



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