A new beginning....

My blog - newly discovered so I thought I'd use it. Mismatch of ramblings, lifestyle (frugal, green, WAHM -ing, home ed. and other stuff :-)

Tuesday, August 20, 2002

Rant I wrote earlier today on that nice site www.ukparents.co.uk - needed to say it to someone and I don't see the point in those "thanks for nothing" letters to the Evening Standard. Anyway - more people will have read it at ukp :)

Just been to get my DP from the station - he got sent home from work today (he commutes to London from Hastings) as he just started throwing up about 1pm!!

Anyway - he threw up several more times getting to London Bridge, and at one point (at Moorgate tube) thought he was going to pass out and asked for some help, or for someone to get a tube employee.

All the 'nice' 'british' people couldn't get away fast enough - eventually (he thinks about 20 minutes) a couple of russian women came over to him, got him to a bench and got a member of staff who sat with him and put him on the right tube.

A croatian man (as it happens a refugee) helped him off the tube and onto his train home, and gave him his (unopened) bottle of water.

He was sick a couple more times on the train back home (into a bag, and then the loo - now a train loo makes me *feel* sick, I'd hate to need to use one for that purpose), and all he heard from other passengers was loud discussion of how dreadful it was that people could get themselves into that state, how could people be *allowed* to travel and that the guard should throw him off!!

This is a well dressed man, carrying a laptop, briefcase, a pile of briefing papers (with a DTI logo on them - bloody recognisable for what they are) and (apart from being sick :) with neatly groomed hair and pale and shaking. Not some disreputable, drunk with sick all down them

So the papers/media go on about how the foreigners are awful, take everything, take advantage and we are the poor suffering brits who are too soft hearted and just let them. And out there are brits who insist that they don't carry predjudices and 'judge'.

Well, the only people helping today were the foreigners/refugees - and the bloody brits were no where! I dread to think what would have happened if he had actually collapsed!

First posting!!

Thought I'd like to keep a blog. Well, every other bod about the place seems to have one and I'm feeling rather left out.

Musings and mumblings to be kept - and probably a lot of nonsense...