A new beginning....

My blog - newly discovered so I thought I'd use it. Mismatch of ramblings, lifestyle (frugal, green, WAHM -ing, home ed. and other stuff :-)

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Bouncy bouncy weeeeee

We sold the house !!!!

Well - a couple came and had a second look today, and then the agent rang and said they offered nearly the asking price so...

I'm feeling like Tigga!!!

Just having a quick search on the property pages, and the bungalow we were rather attracted to the last time this happened is still on the market :-)

Got a good feeling this time .

Off to have a large glass of something.........

Thursday, March 31, 2005


So yesterday I scrubbed my house, ready for a viewer at four pm. Was done and car stuffed by half eleven so took the children out into town and we hung around and around and around...

no call from agent to say that they had been so gave up at half four and went home.

They cancelled!! This is the second time this person has wanted to come and the second time they've not. Ok - so the first time I'll live with, as I was doing the viewing that day (don't know why but Saturday seems to be a difficult day for getting an agent to do a viewing) and so was just 'at home'. But I'd got everyone sorted to go out and .....argh!!!!

So they are due to visit again another day. And the agent will be doing the viewing again, I've decided, as we will be out.

But that means I've got to get up at an ungodly hour to get everything freshly vacumned etc. And that the children are having a day when they can't really play, or get any work done properly, and neither can I; all so that I haven't got too much tidying to do later on.

You can tell how difficult I'm finding it - I have daytime TV on.... and its dire!! Need to leave here and find a good book. Oh, and its DP's birthday last week so I need to find him a giftette as well from me and something from the diddies... And I want to bake and can't because of the kitchen :-(